
My name is Saleh Ara, I was born in Tehran capital of Iran. I studied Agricultural  engineering in Agronomy and Plant breeding field in Iran and now I'm doing pharmacy in England.

Both of my parents are have medical related jobs but both of them  are art lovers specially my father who was an amateur painter he used to show me the images of animals and many other things and we talk about them for so long I think that was when I get interested in art, I got my fist camera a Canon 300V around 2001 lather I switch to digital photography with Canon 300D in late 2003 I still have my Canon 300V but I just use it for family photos.

 I'm an amateur photographer, I really enjoy seeing good photos and I also like to take some shots as well and not so often some of my shot became good.Since here in Iran flickr.com and some of other photography related sites was banned. Since I couldn't visit those sites and share my photos to learn from feedbacks I started my own photoblog in June 2005 with a name that I always dreamed of Words are never enough I chose a challenging URL for it www.8pmdaily.com but unfortunately till nowI coulden't reach the aim to  post a photo per each day.

 I'm also a junior member of a Swedish image agency Azote, you can see an buy some of my photos at azote.se in here.

 I also blog both in Persian and English, both named " Lost for words " It's not hard to guess that my Persian blog is much more active than my English one.

I also made a site that tracks Iranian photoblogs via their rss/atom feed I'm sure you will enjoy visiting it : www.photoblogs.ir

what am i doing now? check out my twitter!

Thanks for your time.


   Canon 300D digital rebel  

   Canon 300V analog

   Canon EF 28-105mm 1:4-5.6

   Canon EF-S 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6

   photoshop Elements





If you have any question, idea or any other thing or if you are kind enough to order a print:

  • Just drop an e-mail to : saleh.ara (AT) gmail (DOT) com